On December 11, Lezarts Urbains organizing a tour around the graffiti and street art in Brussels.
Accompanied by experts and artists, we suggest you go to meet the work of these artists with unexpected patterns and discover some of the emblematic sites of graffiti and urban art in Brussels but also places where surprises the public does not usually move!
Practical information: € 5 including tours, bus rides. From 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 50 places available. Listings and info from Caroline: 02/5381512 or caroline@lezarts-urbains.be
Source : http://www.lezarts-urbains.be
Picture : Reset (Atomix - October 2010)

Accompanied by experts and artists, we suggest you go to meet the work of these artists with unexpected patterns and discover some of the emblematic sites of graffiti and urban art in Brussels but also places where surprises the public does not usually move!
Practical information: € 5 including tours, bus rides. From 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 50 places available. Listings and info from Caroline: 02/5381512 or caroline@lezarts-urbains.be
Source : http://www.lezarts-urbains.be
Picture : Reset (Atomix - October 2010)